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Saikoro Academic

Academic Features
Why use gamification in education Image
Why use Game Based Learning(GBL) in education?

GBL is becoming increasingly used in educational settings for a number of reasons. In short, it 'makes the hard stuff more fun', helping to motivate students and make them more engaged with the subject matter.

For children who are digital natives, technology is a daily part of their lives outside school, adding Digital GBL that convert learning objectives from books to interactive and dynamic games drive them to learn more and reach their end goal.

The GBL theory in education is that learners learn best when they are also having fun. Not only this – they also learn best when they have goals, targets and achievements to reach for, of course in a way the learner still perceives as fun.

How do we implement gamification in education image
How do we improve GBL with gamification in education ?
  • Creating interesting challenges inside and outside the class.
  • Giving points to meet Academic Objectives.
  • Comparing and reflecting on personalized performance.
  • Using levels, checkpoints, and other methods of progression.
Benefits of gamification in education Image
Benefits of GBL in education
There are many benefits to using Game Based Learning in the classroom, such as:
  • Students feel like they have ownership over their learning.
  • A more relaxed atmosphere in regards to failure, since learners can simply try again -More fun in the classroom
  • Learning becomes visible through progress indicators.
  • Students may uncover an intrinsic motivation for learning.
  • Students can explore different identities through different avatars or characters.
  • Students often are more comfortable in gaming environments, so are more proactive and open to making mistakes.
  • Higher engagement and concentration levels amongst students.
  • The opportunity to think outside of the box. Tasks are no longer just about filling in a worksheet.
Self Learning Hub Image
Boost learning Skills
Self Learning Hub

Learners who use our self-study hub have the opportunity to enhance their learning experience and improve their studying skills at their own pace and play games all at the same time. Our learning method encourages learners to go beyond what is available to them in their textbooks and what is taught to them by their instructors.

If the student has a specific topic they want to dive deeper into, they have the freedom to explore that subject even more. They can focus on their interests and develop stronger study skills as a result.

How Self Learning Hub works?
Stage one

Where each lesson contains the material in a simplified way so that the learner can learn independently and after each covered part there are some interactive games to test the learners knowledge and give him some fun at the same time.

Stage two

Where the learner uses our question bank to test his/her overall knowledge on the part he/she has covered so far and get insights of his strengths and weakness to work on them.

Interactive Games Image
Make Learning Fun
Interactive Games

With us thousands, even millions of students and teachers can play interactive, competitive educational games and forget about devices and simply play from a single screen, in class, or online. This way students can check how much they understand the lesson, and the points that need to focus more on, while enjoying a more fun class.

Live Games Image
Engage your students
Live Games

Using our platform teachers can select games, add their covered material, send them to the students and finally receive their results, and insights on spot.

They will also have the freedom and flexibility to make customized games for their students. Not only that they can also change the questions depending on their students’ previous results.

During online classes this is a total game changer since it will make online classes more interactive instead of merely watching their teachers explain on the whiteboard, the students will participate, and the teacher will gain insights directly into their understanding of the lesson.

Examination center Image
Track students' progress
Examination center

The benefits of our online examination center are welcomed by both the exam candidates themselves, and the organization providing the assessment as well as the teachers. It also provides benefits to student learning. This is not an exhaustive list, but here are 10 key benefits of online examination centers to consider:

  • Exam Candidates are used to Digital.
  • Reduced Administrative Burden.
  • Quicker to Mark and Issue Results.
  • Collaborative Question Authoring.
  • Automated Test Assembly Tools.
  • It’s More Environmentally Friendly.
  • Scalable with Worldwide Reach
  • Flexibility to Take Exams Anywhere.
  • Assessment Reporting.
  • Cost Effectiveness.
Saikoro is meant to simplify your educational process